Subtle Confessions of Noni Kanyora

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fool's hope

Just to look you in the eyes again,
Seems impossible
You are not dead
You did not move away
You're somewhere - anywhere
I have no idea where.

Just to hold your face in my hands again
Seems surreal
I am not dead
I did not move away
I'm here - everywhere
I'm here.

Just to hug you again
Seems like a joke
You are far
And I am a feared
That we are doomed
No, I am doomed.

Maybe one day ill look you in the
eyes again,
Maybe one day ill hold your face
in my hands,
Maybe one day ill hug you
and feel you again,
Maybe one day ill know what it means
to gain again,

Sunday, October 31, 2010

6 Months and I'm still sober

A few minutes to November ,
Who cares about Halloween
November always makes me think and reflect
As the year is slowly ending
November , the month of lost loves
Or new ones . .
It's been a terrible 6 months past
Utterly , terrible
Will tomorrow bring new songs
Or will the old ones linger on
6 months , I must return to life . .

The dialect of pain

This wound of pain
Was cut to deep
It is still sore

Where to first lay the blame
Was is left but shame
I could never tame

Dry sorrow , so cruel
Worse than drinking gruel
Why again , are you so

I cry out ,inside there is no joy
You like a thief , stole my happiness and joy
You like a murderer , killed my heart

I wonder if the blood spilled will be like milk
Like milk spilled not to be cried for
Not to be loved again , not to be cried for

The long and painful state of my wound
I cry with blood , and breathe with tears
Alas , this likeness of death .

Let me tell you about my shadow

Let me tell you about my shadow.
My shadow and I are one .
Yet , I did not know when he crept in
When the light I walk , he is a walking shadow
Strutting close to me ,
And at midday , he leans closer by
He and I are travelers, drifters in life
We are a walking shadow

Let me tell you about my shadow.
When he and I no longer loved
And yet he follows me everywhere
How can I be relieved , I cry and be weep
But he does not move , he does not leave
Almost despising , I curse my fate
He and I , cannot be parted
We are a walking shadow

Let me tell you about my shadow.
I love him , yet he harms me daily
Desiring that girls form and that woman's state
Oh, how he harms me ,
He does not leave , and I-
I cannot ,

What shadow is this , that I have
That does not feel the same pain as I
That does not give me relief in my sorrow
Yet , I love this shadow
You see , he and I can never part
For he lies in heart
Forever glowing in the shadow of my love
Oh , listen here
Let me tell you about my shadow.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happiness , was born a twin

Happiness does not exist ,
As it suggests the absence of pain
Happiness is a state of mind.
Pain is not a state of mind , rather mind numbing
We avoid pain , and seek pleasure
But in truth we cannot avoid pain
So we are all doomed , yes we all are
Fatalistically, betrothed to pain
And since we are bound to this fate
We should form bonds of fellowship, friendship and harmony
To ease the strife of life
But sometimes , we do not
But in those moments , we should arise
To grow strong or grow up
Yes , happiness is a state of mind
And that is a very comforting thought.

Friday, October 8, 2010

This death , this debt , this bed

This death is so low
This debt is so high
This bed is so cold

My heart is peeling little by little
It's love for you
Peels little by little

I feel as one who is living-dead
Like one who drinks but cannot taste the wine
Like on who eats but tastes nothing

I know the goodbyes are done - yes i do
That goodbye is long overdue on my part
Then why is it very , very hard

I know in my heart it's over
That separation is in order
Something Ive tried not to ponder

I will never forget you
Nay ,
But for now it seems easier to-

This death of my past life
Has lead many to my strife
I am misery's wife

This debt i hold , pay it lest
You take your pound of flesh
Whatever seems best

Your shadow follows me everywhere
Are we so easily in and out of love
And if you look , i am here

The debt i must repay
Death i must face
Get up from this four posted thing

This bed - like i said , is so cold
Without you near , there is no warmth
There is no life.

You there- I here

Every morning is a struggle
A struggle to get up
A struggle to face facts
A struggle to fight
Do you think i like being like this?
Or that i enjoy immensely , being vulnerable
Well , I do not
I wake up empty , alone and lonely
And i dread getting out of bed
The only comfort i find is in sleep
In the warm covers of the bed
Because the morning ,the day , the sun
It's all to cruel , reality is out there
But in bed i can hold on to my
My silly dreams
Wherever you are
And wherever i am
We are doomed to be apart always.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The dog days are over.

Oh , what's that?
I just can't put up with your drama
You go ahead and be with all the girls
It didn't help anyways
The plans i had of holding on to you
Either way you just kept slipping
And I just kept tripping
Now - I'm free
Physically , emotionally
(obscenities)cos i don't do anger anymore:)
My dog days are finally over.

sex offender

You should master self-control
How you manage to shag everything that moves
Acquiring social behaviors requires gaining control
Control over our psychological energies and
Channeling them into acceptable forms of behavior.
So we should alert the authorities about you
How you can't manage to keep your pen in other people's ink
Spoiling everything , soiling everything
I think yo need to be locked up
Or maybe try shag therapy
No one is safe .

Friday, September 17, 2010

Prince Hamlet's Soliloquy. By William Shakespeare

To be, or not to be--that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep--

No more--and by a sleep to say we end

The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep--

To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub,

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause. There's the respect

That makes calamity of so long life.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely

The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office, and the spurns

That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscovered country, from whose bourn

No traveler returns, puzzles the will,

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,

And thus the native hue of

Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprise of great pitch and moment

With this regard their currents turn awry

And lose the name of action. -- Soft you now,

The fair Ophelia! -- Nymph, in thy orisons

Be all my sins remembered.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I am saddened

I am saddened ,
Saddened , indeed
That birds in the trees will love better than a man
That a bird will sing for it's lady bird
And a man will not ,
That a bird will flap it's wings
And a man will not
Oh , no
I will tell you what he will do-
He will turn you against each other
He will lie to you
He will use you
He will break you down

Why? Must you cheat?
Why will you make her a fool?
Why do you not think of her?
Why will you not think of them?
Why will you not see that you insult her?
That everything she gives you is not enough
Why must you cheat?

I am saddened ,
Saddened in deed ,
At what men and women have become
Women will be subject to such deception
And men will be free to roam about
I wish I was a bird
That I could fly away , whenever I wanted
That I would find joy each morning and tweet
That I would be safe away from man
Man and his fire -stick that
Kills every creature it sees

Love is . . .

Love is madness . . .
Love is obsession
Love is someone you can't live without
Love is passion . . .
Love is foolishness
Love is someone who makes you laugh
Love is sacrifice . . .
Love is discipline
Love is not hurting the object of your affection
Love is excitement . . .
Love is getting swept away
Love is that whisper of thrill
Love is crazy. . .
Love is a drug
Love is someone you are addicted to
Love is trust . . .
Love is truth
Love is faithfulness to your partner
Love is a secret . . .
Love is a trick
Love is a moment you're frozen in
Love is responsibility . . .
Love is loyalty
Love is someone you can be yourself with
Love is a journey
It's a word that not even a thousand words could describe

Two hearts , one soul.

In my face , you will find it's simplicity
A more beautiful face , you will find
A lovelier form , you will find
What i have above all the other faces of this world
Is my complete and utter devotion to you
In my eyes , you will find a dreamer
A girl so in love , she floats on air
She levitates
She sings happy tunes
Ah , do not look away , dear love
I love thee in such state
Look at how our eyes meet , our faces rest
Look how we make a perfect lines when our lips meet
Look how our words weave together like poetry
How can you say there's no heaven waiting for you?
How can you say that life's not worth living?
That dreams do not come true
When your arms are wrapped around me , do you feel it too?
The connection between our souls
When you smile , i smile
When you cry , i cry
You are not my soul mate
It is an overused phrase , a cliche
You and me , it is a meeting of souls
For the merger of just one.
I love you.

I never loved him , what a tragedy

After it all , the goodbyes
And you're thinking ,
Where did it go wrong?
But then you know , deep inside
Even after you hurt inside
You know deep down
You never loved this person
You never really gave it your all
You held back ,
You kept a part of yourself back
You were selfish
You held back ...
And it's things like that
They say , they say
You never really loved him anyway
Because it's the little things
That say what you feel . . .

You stole my heart.

You stole my heart , now i want it back
I was what i was , now I'm not
After you- there's no going back
Going back to the good times , the gullible times
I know too much now , about how this game works
I wish i didn't , because i can't pretend anymore
I can't pretend that you are not mine , that you have your place
I missed my stop at the bus yesterday ,
I was looking for you , and i got in alone
I'm changed , im breaking and im aching
I die every night , every time , every waking moment
I'm capable of feelings too , I'm not a lifeless creature
I'm falling down and you're not around to pick me up
If i looked into your eyes -I'd die
And you wouldn't have a thought for me - i know
I was just another number , you were my awful first
Being this poetic is pathetic , you're laughing at me
I can't help it , it's not like a have a switch for this
You don't have my heart at all , it's just me
Me & self- deception , thinking that you loved me
Or i you-

Friday, August 27, 2010


Here i am on a Friday night watching films
I sit alone , it's getting cold
I came across a letter you gave me
When i was inclined to denial
I know your typical Friday nights
The prowl : the hunter and the hunted
The thrill , the lights the night's promise
There will be no cold at your house
Why would i care anyway?
Because i don't
I'm also having a thrilling Friday night.

My eyes.

There's no room for me to cry,
Not even for trying
My heart is buried deep , you see
Though my love for you commit-ed many sin
I can't disguise
If you look in my eyes
What you will find are tears
I'm sure not many ears would erase
I tell myself that i will not cry
So if you look in my eyes
You will find tears in my eyes.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You linger on.

I won't keep you here
If you want to leave - then leave
You are determined to go
I won't stand in your way
I know there's no hope
You linger on
You'll always be my baby.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shall I compare thee to a sow's ear?

Shall I compare thee to a pig's ear?
Thou art more slimy and disgusting
Rough winds do shake the bastards at bay,
And your dipstick hath all too short a date.
Sometime too crazy your eyes seem - googly ,
And often your gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair girl you do,
By chance or nature's changing course you get a veneral disease;
But you get no diseases
Nor lose possession of that cheating trait thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,at least not yet
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st to cheat
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Monday, August 23, 2010

By and By.

I thought I could fly
To the big blue sky
Now I'm struggling to get by
So why did i try?
Now I only cry
Fry my heart fry
By and by.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

100 posts yay!

This is post 101 and i hope will someday be 201!
-Noni Kanyora.

The past is the past , behind me.

So much has happened
The events that have , are and will take place in my life
Have made me who i am today
And though very painful ,
They are gone , they are behind me
No more will the past haunt me
Carrying the burden of my parents is a weight
Too heavy
So i will not , not anymore.
Carrying the weight of ridiculous boys
Boys they are-
I will let go
Already done
And i will find a bright future
If i let go of the past
It isn't unwritten , but my future is

Love is not love . . .

which alters when it alteration finds..
or bends with the remover to remove
Oh no, it is the ever-fixed mark
that stands on tempest and is never shaken.
sonnet 116.

If to err is human . .

If to err is human , then to love you is humane
And you with me , is inhumane
To excuse your mistreatment of me
The mistreatment of all the others
Is a human error!
I became the number that amplifies your cheating game
More to the solidarity of man-cheaters
A human error
So if it means every mistake i make is human
Then I'm gonna beat the humanity off me!
No more you - Jerk!

Love is free

You cannot buy it
You cannot put it in a box
You cannot wrap it up
You cannot sell it in a store
You cannot find it in the mall
You cannot get if if you are too tall
Or short , or big or small
It's free!
You earn it , not buy it
You put it up in your heart , not a box
You wrap it up with trust , patience , not ribbons
You cannot sell it for anything , even money
You find it in the most unlikely of places
It doesn't discriminate
If you're tall , short , big or small
It's free!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bye .

Flow down the river of my soul
The network of my veins
So chilled in this August morning
Where i have lacked many a good night's sleep
All to you ,
No more of my steps shall you hear
No more of my voice you shall hear
No more of my laugh you shall endure
For ever and ever.

Like death is permanent , so is this separation
And i wish you well
I remember that all things must die
I hope only i find with me the gift of love
True love as rare as a ghost that few have seen
And none of your cheating or unfaithfulness banter

This falls , goodbye unknown
As you brazenly told me not to mention your name
In writing , so i will keep my word
But just know this death kills one with such cold
I want to live again.
Goodbye , farewell forever

It hurts too damn much

I shall not cry
I will be level-headed
I will move on
I will be strong
Except im torn apart
Except every time his name is mentioned
Tears me up ,
Their words like knives cut deep within me
And they don't know what they are doing to me
And i pretend , it's so untrue
It hurt's to damn much
An arrow to the heart , an arrow to the heel
They say this , they say that
They say you do this and do that
I never even asked them
But they say you are doing fine
With all your 'lady-friends'
And i am never going to be one of the many again
I'm hurting so much
I'm burning into the fire
I'm tearing up in the seams
My heart is spent
But i never want to be one of your many again
Is so silly , you see
That i can be undone by such a pompous man
Heck , im human
But i want to be free of you completely ,
Because even a little is too much
I am spent , goodbye
You'll see no more of me.

I inhaled you.

I breathed you and now
There's no forgetting you
Forgetting the fragrance of your breathing
Your smell , your taste
Just one tiny memory
Can lit up a violent parade
This love is violence
Passion that cannot be diminished
By any one thing

It is the fire that still burns
The tree that still grows
The constant sun , evening star
We receive what we give
And I gave into you
Subtle experiences that become memories
That become the past
But this I feel , for you
Of awful attachment which greatness stands
The more I sought the more I lost
The more I hungered and thirsted
For your lips your eyes
With every impulse in my body
I couldn't breathe
With seeking and seeking the object
Of my sanctuary
With seeking I lost everything I had.
This dying , caused by desire
Seeking with words , hands everything
Higher and higher and higher and then much higher I went
Thoughts as these , by which pleasure is enhanced
Inhaling you , breathing you
Your fragrance

Sick , wearied out and jealous
You struck me open
Prophetic strain
By whatever means I love you
Or however we loved , we may teach them how
How the minds of two people become
The greatest elements of the empire of God.
Beauty exalted and bloods mingled.
But to be with you
Your hand on my face
Your delicious mouth
Conducted to this end
Your air your smell
Was very heaven .

we are perfectly , imperfect

You're always in eye-line
And on my mind
I can't help it as i lie awake in my bed
Wondering if this love is alive or dead
So many have tried to win over my heart
And i trying to deny my heart , lead on
But my heart you see , can't help but love you
That even when i am older
Ill be your crying shoulder
Our eyes were so perfectly aligned
And when our souls meet and merged
You had to be there
And your eyes not revealing their depth
When you whispered into my ear , you whispered to my heart

My oh My

My oh My
Look at the boy to shy
He ain't gonna try
To get the girl
My oh My
What a shame too bad
He gonna miss the girl

When to let go

You and i are not a smart match
We are so different
I love a low-key life ,
I have 3 best friends one of them is my nephew
You have millions of friends ,
They think you're the top dog or something
I think it's pathetic and can't be bothered
I feel a fool for stepping out of my shell
Aside from humiliating myself i wasted my time
And yours
But i liked you , more than i'm afraid to admit
And that's just it , i can't admit it
Because the faster i move on the better
Of course your version of moving on includes sex lots of girls
Mine is listening to really sad songs and lying in bed and reading Jane Austen
At least we know who's more awesome of the two
And it hurts , it does
It hurts for me knowing i was so stupid
That i walked in foolishly
And i say to myself ' Silly girl !'
And i can't say it enough
But now im wasted broken from head to toe
And moving on will be painful and gradual
But it starts now this gradual process
I just need a sign to know when to let you go

I miss you so so much mummie ;(

I never knew how much i needed my mother
She always had the funniest jokes
And the strangest answers to my questions
If i didn't brush my teeth she'd say
'Who's called Halitosis?'
And I'd say ,'ME!' to vex her
Or when she'd find dish about me from someone
I'd ask ,'Who told you?'
And she'd answer sweetly , 'A little bird told me!'
Oh , i love you for bearing up with me when i was 17 , 10 , 9 , 11 and 18
And when you would say that i was enough
And that you were proud of me
There are many rotten things i have done and you remained-
My mother
Now you send me e mails in pink
It makes me wanna cry
And you sign off with a rose like your name
Oh, my mummie
I'd remember how
Sometimes you'd make me breakfast in bed when i was down
Or make me lemon tea when i was sad
Or cuddle me when i was needy
Now you're far away working
And i miss you so much
I miss our fights
I miss your condescending tone
I miss telling you stuff
This year i turned 21 and i said i was an adult
But living without my mum is no rock n roll
Turns out all alone ...
I'm not that strong without my mummies arms

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I see only latitudes and longitudes
I see kilometers , i see several miles
But i do not see you
You are at a distance
And if i shed a thousand tears
You will still be gone
So I'd rather not
If i close my eyes and pray you'll come back
I open them and realize that you have left.
Is this the end?
Is there no compass , no map to aid me
Is there no guide in lost hopeless love
One to guide in the perilous storm that is love?
Is there no one who will say : 'press on.'
Now all i have is the hope
Of shortly seeing you again.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Parting is such sweet sorrow
That i shall say goodnight till it be morrow
I never wished to harm you
Only to love you
And if tomorrow we're not together
Please i ask you to remember
That even if we are apart
I think of you often
And i get this feeling in my gut
But if it means many days
Without your face
I will search many ways
To remove your trace
As you have my place
I know you must go
I just wish you didn't
Here i am now ,
What days are these?
Without any breeze
Without any air
While you are in happy pair
But i already know
That you must go.
Say what you may
And i might as well pay:
my rotten luck and over-spent goodbyes


You were the target i was aiming at
You were the one i wanted
But some things are hard ignore
The highs made me want to fly
The lows made me want to die
Every parting was the form of death
Every meeting was aliken to heaven
But some poems don't rhyme
Some stories end sadly
And our love is hurting so badly
But remember i loved you so madly.

When i'm with him i am thinking of you

You say move on , where do i go?

What you are doing?

There's a tons of fish in the water. . .

He kissed my lips i taste your mouth

He pulled me in , i was disgusted with myself

Oh , i wish i was looking into your eyes . . .
I think you should know

I am thinking of you

(thinking of you by Katy Perry)

I die a little each day .

When you are near me
When you are here
I see
And my eyes do not see thee
For all i can see or feel
Are the feelings i have for thee
And when you are gone
Time passes so slow
There is no hour ungodly
But you did the unthinkable
The unforgivable
And so did i-
For loving you in such a state
I was blinded ,
I found the paradox
When you are gone i see , but i don't again
When you are near i see
And as they speak of your present state
Your present happiness and mirth
I die a little each day.

Your arm.

Set me as a seal upon your arm
Upon your heart
And when my heart , my love warms you
As my wit , my personality charms you
Then nothing will harm you , love.

Come , let us kiss and part.

To die and part is a lesser evil
Than to live and part
Now that is torment
Because i find no peace
Because your words of treason
Lay me to the gallows
When you are silent-
You are holding the rope that i must hang myself
Then no more -
Come let us kiss and part
For you never intended to stay anyways
And cut deep you have , my heart
It is in halves , in halves
And when we meet again
How shall i disguise my true feeling
Tell me i am not to act it out
The agony of parting is relieved at meeting
But meeting you is twice the agony and torment
The reason it hurts so much is because
Our souls are connected.

This hurting , this hurting .

This hurting , this hurting
Just won't do

I hurt,hurt and hurt some more
Now I am sore and sound a bore

This hurting ,this hurting
How can it be so?

It comes big
It comes small
It comes round
It comes tall
Almost as if it were a big small round tall ball!

This hurting , this hurting
Is something Ive never felt before

This hurting , this hurting
What a bore!
But what if it holds something more

This hurting , this hurting

Don't waste your time on me , you're already a voice inside my head.

. . . I MISS YOU . . .

Friday, August 13, 2010

If you love something , set it free

I think i love in excess
For my love is always thrown back to me
They say: Tis too much , too nice , too sweet
They leave shortly afterward-
And he that say those words twice - lies
Yet nothing is for certain
How can i say - that love for you decays
How can it , if my heart is still beating
Drumming your name , you voice , your touch
How can i say the love burned a day?
I think men are very inconsiderate
With a flash they dismiss you
How can a log burn a second?
And if i am too burn , how shall you burn the ash in my soul
Yes , i know you only think of yourself
And your pleasure is your top priority
Nevermind me
Would you laugh at me if i said : that i remain
I beg your pardon
ThAt you remain in my heart
And you are an irreversible event
And i on a blackboard erased last week
I am out of style , out of your league too plain?
I will let you go
I will be accepting and distant as per your request
And if we shall ever meet again
No signal , no indication on my brow
That former love retained
We will be like strangers
Two people from different planes ,
Why indeed , i have set you free
And if by the tiniest chance you are mine
And mine only
You will come back
or you will not . .

I am spent and goodbye.

If you are the one i hold dear
Then it is time you became
The one i held dear
You were the one
Until reality caught up with me
I found no fault in you
I was new , i was true now so so blue
All these places are empty
And i fear my broken heart shows
But i will unite the pieces
For , you are so terribly wrong for me
Terribly wrong for love
A hundred girls you do surround
And i nothing , no dozen gents to show
Save you-
And that is a sad state of affairs indeed
You love another and another and yet another!
You brush me aside when they are close
More pity unto me , alas!
I fear my heart will not recover
But my mind says - steady on!
I have nothing to offer you
Maybe youthful spirit and heart
But you're not looking for heart , are you?
What did i become when i met you?
A Cliche , a foolish girl
You never think of me , i see you smiling about
When i am dying little by little
Enough now , one blow was quite enough
Thank you .
I am spent .... goodbye
It is time i left this unite.

Sweet , i could kill you with much cherishing.

I love you
And that is a scary thought indeed
For i could kill you with much cherishing
I think about you often as i can
I have become so distracted- i am no good
I think you are heaven
I think that you are sun
I exaggerate whenever i speak of you
Isn't that love?
And i worry that maybe i love you too much
I cannot find fault in you
To me you are perfect-
Oh , to have a love such as mine!

Set fire to the third bar( my all time favourite love-sad song)

I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from 'A' to where you'd be
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My fingers in creases of distant dark places

I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've found so far
The laughter penetrates my silence
As drunken men find flaws in science

Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

After I have travelled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted, close our eyelids
And dreaming, pick up from
The last place we left off
Your soft skin is weeping
A joy you can't keep in

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I, I pray that something picks me up
and sets me down in your warm arms

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
and I, I pray that something picks me up
and sets me down in your warm arms
(By Snow Patrol and Martha Wainwright)

Kiss the girl.(from the little mermaid)

There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She dont got a lot to say
But theres something about her
And you dont know why
But youre dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl

Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Its possible she wants you, too
There is one way to ask her
It dont take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl

Look at the boy too shy
He aint gonna kiss the girl
Aint that sad
Aint it shame, too bad
You gonna miss the girl

Nows your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She dont say a word
And she wont say a word
Until you kiss the girl

Dont be scared
You got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl
Dont stop now
Dont try to hide it how
You wanna kiss the girl
Float along
Listen to the song
The song say kiss the girl
Music play
Do what the music say
You wanna kiss the girl

Youve got to kiss the girl
Why dont you kiss the girl
You gotta kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the girl
(from the little mermaid)


Fool you made the girl fall in love
you said those beautiful things
she thought you spoke things you mean

Caress her skin like it's glass
she hears your voice making plans
and sees your face in her hands

You don't wanna see somebody beg
as you feel her heart surrender
you begin to fall
How do you say that something's through
when it never even started
at least not for you

You breathe her air and you leave
you keep your mind on yourself
and lie the glass on the shelf
After the heavenly speech
your body throws holy heat
the angels sing when our eyes meet

It wasn't a lie but it wasn't true
I just wanted to make you feel good
just wanted you near
I wasn't prepared I wasn't thinking of you
that you could actually love me
it never should have started

She's dreaming back on the past
every opinion agreed
doesn't know what to believe

It must have been for a cause
our lives have so many doors
don't think about him anymore

But it was the kiss, it took me away
it's like he knew that I am fragile
he handled me like glass
and it hurts but it's what I deserve
because I should have been more careful
with the others that I handled
I should have been
I should have been
and knowing this I know
that he'll get his
but I don't want the man to suffer
oh not the way I am
because deep down I know that he's glass too
but it really doesn't matter
until it's happening to you
everybody breaks
everybody breaks
By Gavin Degraw

The world spins so madly , love can hurt so badly-

The world can spin so madly
And love can hurt so badly
And stories can end so sadly-

You and me are so over
Even though i found a four-leaved clover
And all i can do is take cover-

I really liked you man-at -charms
Problem was you had amazing arms
And now my heart hurts like a bad perm-

I really liked you man-boy
And you treated me like a toy
Now i have no joy-

It's over now , don't you think?
Now I'm blue and not pink
Writing to you in Grey ink-

Goodbye to you and live well
I still think you're really swell
There's nothing else to tell-

The places in between

Two hearts in the faces rest
And i am utterly and completely consumed by you-
You in my system , stirring my very soul
Letting you in where only my thoughts have been
I think i inhaled you
Two minds so alike-
Our words weaving together like poetry
Our hands holding tightly to each other
Our bodies making magic
Weaned from the earth's floor
That lead me to your arms
Where i find my peace
Where i find your love
Your eyes i gaze on
In mine i am undone when you are gone
An ache so glorious
A pain so exquisite
And in my eyes only to gaze at you lovingly
Like the light of the sun
The song of the lark
The places we have been
The places in between.

love knows nothing of rank or riverbank

whenever i think of you-
which is very often
i don't remember how you look-
It's the strangest thing
I remember the feelings i felt
I have to really try and paint your face in my head
Your voice?
I hear clearly , like music in my head
Or how you made me laugh ,
The little things you say,
So therefore i love to hear you speak
I care less of any thing else
Doubt that anything else would persuade me not to love you
For it would not matter to me if you were
In the state of kings or of cobblers
All i remember is your voice
And how i love to hear you speak

You like a knife

You like a knife ,
Can cut me open
I like an orange ,
You squeezed me clean
Cut me open you did
An arrow to the heart
A blade so clean and precise
A rusty blade you did not have'
You cut me open
You cut me open you did

The Agony of being in love

When you are near
My heart beats so fast and loudly
That i can hardly speak fearing you might here it-
When you are near-
I am not myself , my mouth says things
That i can hardly remember
You have a hold on me
And it's pure agony
The sweetest pain
The worst state of affairs

And because of my pride i cannot admit
Admit my feelings they are mine alone
And i must let you go , soon
I want to stop being a fool
I want to be free again
Loving you is such agony
Having you in my system
Having you out of it - i fear is
Pain like i have never felt before
But i will be strong
and let you go . . .

I can't look you in the eye again

Im letting you go
It hurts less
And the things you used to do-
Loving to hear you speak
And now after all's been said and done
I can't look at you again
The things i thought cute
I don't anymore
After everything i learnt
After everything i am
I can't ignore the facts
That you and i
Are about as compatible as a dish of boiled potatoes and egg stew
You're so popular and i'm not
I'm so reserved and you are not
And now you're not the boy i used to like
Laughing at your jokes no longer
I can't look you in the eye
Because it's easier that way

Monday, August 9, 2010

I will not be thus

I will not be thus and cry
even though i want to try
trying my hardest not to pry
of your deeds that has to fry
my poor little heart-

I will not be thus and tear apart
even though i cross my heart
pushing me aside i am no tart
my dispositions beginning to part
my poor little heart

I will not be thus and lie
now alone eating humble pie
hearing my voice say bye
never to look into your eye
my poor little heart-

I will not be thus and remember
how i thought of you in december
and in your heart i am no member
then why were you so tender
my poor little heart

I will not be thus and ache
though now i am papier mache
i listen silently to my psyche
and now i am a bloody cliche
my poor little heart-

I will not be thus and mention
how you gave me sweet sensation
kisses send to one new dimension
now only a painful revelation
my poor little heart

I will not be thus and say
i loved you true to the bay
i would rather my heart slay
than to those words to you i say
my poor little heart-

I will not be thus and forget
forgetting you is harder than regret
even though you forgot we met
of course you did i am not your pet
my poor little heart-

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why did it take so long to find your touch?

Oh love of mine , why did it take so long to find your touch?
Hope was never lost- even thought it took so long to find you.
You grasped my finger in your tiny hand - and i knew instantly
I knew i was loved
Because i have loved you since from the moment when-
Since time began-
And you have filled my heart.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Dear Nephew, 
Finally you opened your eyes to the new world. These months past you were safe in your mothers belly. And now we got to see your lovely face I remember in January when your mother and I were carjacked and all she could think about was you. Me? I was sitting on you (I was scared shitless)And I was like, 'don't hurt the baby , she's pregnant. So they didn't harm us and the three of us drove like mad We were thankful to God and mummy kept rubbing her stomach.
When I first saw you- 12 weeks and you were moving your hands, it felt surreal and I of course mentioned that you were a boy by the size of your head. I said it looked like Colin's head. Fix you by Cold play was playing at the doctors and I said I'd always remember that moment. 
I'd always remember it- and now 8 months later , you're finally here And all I can say is that I have loved you Before time began-


You are too short on manners
Too reliant on charm
Too vain with your beauty
You have become a one man show of self-flattery and egoism
Too short on masculine muscle
Too prolonged on hedonistic interests
Your taste is too desultory -
Exposing your self-centered nature will not help
I am liberated from your culture of egoism.

All I ask of a man is an extensive fertile mind and a good heart.

Sometimes as you quest for love , you kiss many frogs
And sometimes it's like playing darts
You have a target that you are aiming at
That isn't exactly the bull's eye
And one such a person who thinks himself heaven
And claims to be worshiped by many a stupider girl
Will say , 'I go from girl to girl' look how they adore me,'
And unfortunately my target was on Mr.Thor
Oh , he was not my Romeo
I like my men with a little humility and reason and the cherry on top would be maturity
I always find you can avoid such scenarios with older men
Provided you're not leeching on them
You were not the target i was aiming at
But you had to mention your talents with women
Very tasteful-
I like a boy somewhere
He is an individual and not a group
He doesn't look like Adonis
But he has the mind of a fox and the manners of a lamb
He is sweet and kind
I have always respected him , and you Oh Mighty Thor could not compare to my

Once a man told me he was a brutal honest.

Once a man told me he was a brutal honest
With such certainty he said it-
I almost believed that he was
But i didn't
See, ive learnt that people not only men lie
They not only lie to others but more so themselves
It is sadder to lie to yourself
He lives a life , where he is not afraid to tell the truth
The truth of course for any man is 'relative'
Be careful to always ask the exact parameters of this truth
The unbiased , objective truth
He said once that he was never afraid to say the truth
I know that to be the biggest lie of all
For once wouldn't you rather hear something else
Lie after lie on lie
No , you are not a brutal honest
You are a self-deceiver , and a cheater
I would think twice , if i were you
Before i said anything untrue
We wouldn't want that , would we?
I know no man who is a brutal honest
If ever there was such a man ,
He would be a fierce-some thing to behold!

Youthful Idealism.

Ernest Hemingway wrote:
If you are lost-
It is only because you chose
Illusion over reality.

And because of this subtle statement
I decided to be a level-headed , rational individual
Of course the thing about theories is that they must be tested out
Along came a boy
At 21 everyone drinks cause drinking is fun and everybody does it
At 21 you become a sucker for conformity
And anyone should not wanna miss out on all the fun
I know i wouldn't
So my fervor mixed with my youthful idealism coupled with curiosity
Lead me there , and i would later be lost
And as Hemingway would have it , i chose illusion
Im not really sorry for the experiences Ive had
Some painful , some happy some in-between
But i thought real-life was fiction and that fiction was real life
Because my real-life involves friendships that are true and protecting
I found out that it was revealing and gossipy
I thought boys who actually used the word love to refer to a girl guaranteed faithfulness-
I found out it meant he could have sex with whoever he wanted with no discrimination
The assumption is again that i am a rational human being
So , for pity's sake treat me like one
Self-justification is the more dignified way of saying self-deception
Which brings me back to illusion
I think i rather liked being a child
The connections you made then are genuine
Adults are just absolute children with no manners with no mummie to cane them
I may be alone , that's fine
But to be alone with realism is far more rewarding than to be
Surrounded with fallacy.

Emotional Education.

Here are your ABC's on attraction (if you are a girl)
1.Be as slutty as you can( the boys love it)
wink , wink.
2.Be catty , don't bother being gracious and polite , be mean to every
new girl that comes along.
3.Cheat. He's going to do it too , so why wait for him to do it.
Thumbs up!!!!!!
4.Don't be picky , there's no time to look for the handsome one get the rich one.
Double thumbs one!!!!
5.I don't know a five (should do more research)
Ladies , so far i can say ; what can is say? There are really no words that i could use to describe you and your idealism. But for now let me say , excellent!

Boys do you actually need ABC's??
You grow up and then you go to high-school and suddenly you're all programmed to be mindless pricks ,
When you are done in with high school , the training is complete and you can now proceed to being mindless perverted wanking pricks
A is for Ass-hole:

First what you do(if you are inexperienced) lie a lot. Girls go nuts when you lie.
Flatter , deceive seduce technique i would call it!!!Thumbs up.

B is for Bastard:

Get a trophy girl early in life( the one you've singled out from the rest)Now keep her on the side and mention this to prospective lovers. Use phrases like:
'I love her with every fiber of my heart.'
equally deceiving would be:
'you can have my body and not my heart.'
Do ya see the gay undertone of such statements!! I know i do-

C is for cut and run:
Like a soldier fast to conquer , fast to retreat.

Giacomo Casanova the world's greatest seducer wrote a memoir about his life and he later on despised his vanity , lesson : stop being vain.
And if you're going to be that stereo-typed girl or boy at least (for propriety's sake)Show some originality and class , James Bond films don't make millions because he has sex with bond girls( i believe that's called a porno)
I hope this emotional education was helpful.

In abundance of water , fools thirst.

Boys? Boys? Boys?
Is life not enough?
The air to breath
The water to drink?
Nothing is enough for you , im afraid
You greed when food is in abundance
You thirst when water is in abundance
There is no remedy for you
No prayer or answer
Drink from the waters of the devil
Tastes so sweet , doesn't it ?
if you could drink from the fountains of say-
All the girls you knew
You quench hedonism . you thirst for blood
So you break hearts and ruin lives
And you consume evrything in your way
If you do not , you die
There is plenty of good water
But you do not care , for the sweet water
Do not dig yourself into hedonism
You may not come out-

Friday, July 16, 2010

my friend , where did she go?

I sure could use my friend right now
It's her i can let my feelings free
I never cared too much
She always , always made me laugh
We loved making jokes
We loved not being part of the cool crowd
We had each other

I can't find the girl i knew
Change is growth
Growth is irreversible
Where is she?
Not here
She's part of the cool crowd now
It hurts like needles to lose her

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My tears will dry ,

My tears will dry , my wounds will heal
And every memory will vanish
The music will end , the guitar will be out of tune

And so day by day , it is so
I forget a little everyday
I can feel it , leaving

Time keeps passing by,
I tell myself : Be not anxious of the future
The future

My tears will dry , my wounds will heal
Time will pass
And you will be nothing in a distant memory.

I did what i did .

My errors and my faults are my own
I leave them to no one else
And so i did what i did.
Deed after deed.
And i have no title deed , to show for it
I wished i hadn't , wished i didn't
But i did ,
I can't create another universe
Where another parallel reality might exist
There isn't another parrallel reality
Where i didn't do it
And i can't go back
So , ill admit i was
Wrong , stupid , naive
So have a laugh now
But tomorrow i just might be the one causing you grief.

Three wishes.

If you had three wishes,
What would you wish for?
You can't buy true love
You can't interfere with free-will
What would you wish for?
Would you change
Knowing you had your own destiny in three
Three statements
Three phrases
Three sentences
Three wishes
Would you be vain
And ask what you think is valuable
When infact it is not
What would you wish for?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Truimph over the despair.

Sentimentality , is an artificial response
To what humans are capable
Humans are not dead
Robots do not live in their stead
They are capable of feelings , attachments , connections
Emotional relations to the environment he lives in
He does everything he is told by society , by peers
He thinks he 'thinks' for himself
But he does not ,
His behavior is pre-determined
And mine , even more so
The glory over the power of my unattachment
I have overcome this paralysis and i have achieved
Emotional growth without the contamination of sentimentality.
This emotional climate of the 21st century
Requires a more aggresive outlook to overcome this constipation.

Oh, cliche how you shine , how you glitter .

How did i get here?
I ask.
Time and again ,
I make faces , i beat myself up
How did i get here?
I had spent my whole life analyzing situations like these
Yet here i am!
The glitter of the cliche
The stereo-typed role
Of the girl in love
Hold on just a sec
Maybe not- but this feeling is as intense as love
Dudes , i don't get out of bed
Self-pity really keeps you in bed
And of course he's moving on with his life
In fact he's improving his life everyday
ME? well im sorta half-dead
Im a cliche
Move on ..
Easier said than done
He's lying on his back with tarts
Yes , that was plural
I was screwed up before he came along so nothing changes
Why do i care?
Answer: it's the glitter of the cliche
The life you've always wondered about
What if ...
Why not...
I got reeled in by tart man and i did not resist
Now im a cliche
Now im a mess
I can't function
He doesn't care if im alive or dead


You wrote me out on a board
You put my name
You put my number
Any other details?
I don't know
But I was there
There written on the board
My name clearly spelt out
I was there . . .

A second later you grabbed the erasure
You held it in your hand
You started moving rigorously on the board
You rubbed me out
Quickly , you erased me
I was there . . .

Please tell me what I did wrong
I just trailed along
Caught up with your name on my board
When you started erasing
Heart break

Now I am erased , gone
Now that you are finished with me
Rubbed the blackboard clean
What now?

These may be just words
But your name in your heart
Why , should I ask
I gave my all to you
To do as you please
Your wish
My remand

Friday, July 9, 2010

Heart's a Mess. By Gotye.

Pick apart , the pieces of your heart
Let me peer inside ...
Let me in ...
Where only your thoughts have been
Let me occupy your mind
As you do mine ...

Oh , your heart's a mess!
You won't admit to it
It makes no sense
But im desperate to connect
And you . .
You can't live like this.

You have lost
Too much love , to fear doubt and distrust
Not enough
You just threw away the key
Don't get burned ,cause nothing lasts
Nothing makes it easier , easier on you
But that more difficult for me
To make you see . .

Love ain't fair , so there
There you are , my love

Your heart's a mess
You won't admit to it
It makes no sense
But im desperate to connect
And you . .
You can't live like this!

Love ain't safe
You won't get hurt
So you stay chaste
So you can wait
But i don't want to wait
I don't wanna to waste my love.


In my heart perhaps , but it keeps beating
So your love did not kill my heart
In my mind, behind it often not
Where you are is in my bloodstream
I can feel you flowing in me
An irreversible event
That my heart , i can receive another
If you were written on it , erased somehow
My mind does not think of you constantly
There are other employments and activities
But my entire being is at your mercy
Whenever im near you , an effect that i cannot explain
My stomach knots , my palms sweaty , my mouth dry
My veins constricting , blocking air to my brain
I can't breathe ,
I feel your eyes burning in me , and i can't look at you
I feel your hands on me , and i can't look you in the eyes
Face to face , i feel exposed
I can't look at you
I think i might have been hazy , under the influence
I feel you flowing in me
If you cut me open , it will not help
If you cut out my heart , it will not help
I can feel you flowing in me ,
You are in my bloodstream.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Softly ,in the dusk a woman is singing
Suddenly , in the dark a man is flying
There is a meeting of minds
There will be a moment like this no other
The naked earth , that brought them forth
Their mother knowing it would lead to this very moment
Through lusty veins burning bright
The naked dark warmed by her face
The greatest wonder of heaven , to behold
Mortal we are born , hollow we become
Save for love , save for this
The garden , the grandeur of God
Only two can tell of the intricacies
The lumbering like horses at plough
The evening listens to the two lovers whispering
The night becomes strangely calm and the crickets chirp about
This is the hour that maids become maids no more
Something so clear as water , transparent
Ravish'd by his fingerprints
Gone is the earth she knew , stranger things to come
Painful too , the night is nighing
In the dark , they burn bright
In the light , he must be gone
He must be gone , the light reveals labour done at night
As the days lightens , slow by slow
He must go ,and gone is he
And weary , full of sleep after labour done
Morning makes her feel brand new, and she sleeps sweet
Fingerprints will be the reason
Always to be wide awake , sleepless

I hear such different accounts of you , as puzzle me exceedingly.

I do not know whether to trust you.
They breed and manufacture a certain brand of men these days.
I do not know whether to respect you.
They do things that would mortify any good woman.
And you?
What are you , the hungry heart , the greedy pig
Laying all you can put your hands on,
It is no concern of mine , too be honest
It's just that for once i wanted to be wrong.
I wasn't.
It's a pity.

On the otherside of the river.

On the other side of the river , there is merrymaking!
On the other side all your hedonistic fantasies shall come true
You many have as many ales , gins and beers that you want
You may carnal relations with numerous women
On the other side you enjoy the folly that is youth!

On this side of the river , there is confinement!
Here we believe in good , sacrifice and peace
You may give up the glitter of the cliche
You may see beyond now , and the shallow
You may be with very few , wait for the right one
On this side we work hard to enjoy life hereafter!

On the other side of the river , there is a boy.
And all his hedonistic fantasies are all coming true.
And on his side is continual , enjoyment.
How can he have room , for what he does not know?
For all he knows is pleasure and pleasure is hedonism.

On this side of the river , there is a girl.
And all her confinement did not pay off.
Trying to join the merry-makers , did not fit.
And eyeing one , and being heartbroken
Heartbreaks do not belong there , only women with loose ideals
And a boy like that belongs to them , belongs to that riverbank
And a girl like that deserves , more .

The silence is screaming.

Somewhere you are singing to me
The music is soothing
I loved hearing you sing
And now there is no music ,
No harp , no lute
When the music sounds are gone ,
In it's stead comes a terrible noise
Wherever i walk , wherever i go
There is no music
I cannot hear you singing to me
Tame this noise , that pierces so
But you are nowhere ,
You say nothing . . .
Softy , in the night i hear you singing to me
But i wake , and it was a dream
All those around me , say this say that
And this and that only noise to my ears
O these raging storms , raging seas
And i find relief in your voice .
It is so loud here without you .
Come back to me , and sing to me again.
For i cannot endure this silence forever.

Ridicule tries to befriend me.

It's on my mind .
I want it to go .
Yet i want it to stay grounded with me .
Fight after fight after fight .
I don't know anymore.
I break every time , im alone
I burn every time
Im smoldering in cold heat
If the heat doesn't get me , i fear the cold will
So i am neither burning or freezing to death
I try to think
I scold ,
I chant , i chant and chant some more
Sometimes i think i am being ridiculous
Having so much grief about a person
Who doesn't give two figs
Alive or dead , it wouldn't matter

why want something if it's not meant to be yours?

A quote by Bernard Shaw was that
'love is a gross exaggeration of one person from others.'
I think that it is pain ,
But i was mistook , pain is what you feel when the love is taken away
Love is the feeling , the moment , the words , the intention
The feeling was incredible , sweet and different
The moment was awkward to be sure , but unforgettable
The words were numerous , some hurt , some flattered , some just words
And after my experiment was over i was left feeling hollow
Strangely hollow , i discovered i was capable of feelings
It was no longer something i wondered about , i was there
It was a nightmare , it was painful , it was torture
And i was there all alone ,like i have been all my life
Being on my own doesn't scare me , no , not even a little
I'm scared of the lie , the cheating , the secrets , the hiding
And i saw you , you shook up my very structure
My entire belief system was out the window
And you completely composed , it's insulting
And i have no control of what i feel
Sometimes i struggle to contain my outbursts
But i can't , i find that my heart is unruly and won't listen
So i ask why want something if it's not meant to be mine?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Don't wear your freedom down.

We are all instruments
We are all dancers
Some are singers , some are not
Some are fighters and some are not
Some are tall , some are short
Some are black , some are white
But what you are not is mine
Do as you will , i will give you whatever you need
I will smile politely and not raise my tone
I won't even cry .
So don't wear your freedom down
And i will . . .

I started to greed.

I do not like to cheat
I do not like to steal
But i find that i feel
I find that i cry
Inherited much pain for being vain
Im caught up in a frenzy , wanting more and more and more
My thoughts are inside your shirt , your subtle kiss
An overt needing over your latent one
I have become an appetite , the more i eat the more i want
A greedy pig , and soon the stench of me will scare away
Let me in , where only thoughts of me have been
I want to peer inside you
Tell me the end , this stateliness has one close to beg
Beguiled , beguiled , beguiled
I am not a fan of cliches or soulmates
This is indeed a mystery , and a tragedy combined
I stole you , when you didn't ask
Now i find that i see no ocean but a murky rocky water
I will go on , that i am sure
Coffee , wine will do or books even
I am sorry for my greed and crime and again i am not.

So long as there is one of us , there is both of us.

Your taste , your words , fallen stars
And memories suffocate me , and i am spent
Here i am missing you a sillywhile
But to be honest , being alone is better than being with you
Your love is so generous , most generous
And if i shut my eyes and even hope a little
I would be the sorrier , remembering you is a night-mare
When the dark comes you haunt my dreams
When it turns to light you taunt me
When you're miles away or if im miles away
I can hear your name , and it doesn't make me smile
It is torturing me
But it's my heart that's breaking ,
You're probably busy being generous
Fatal kiss , i should have listened
Stop this heartache express
And in my stupid pain , i have become plain
The beginning to the end that you are forgotten
Memories replaying , must be rid off
I draw each breath with such strain
Passing-chance ,
A never-happened ,
Get on the car drive away from the place i knew
From the place i knew ,
Turn aside , toss and turn
In my waking life you are in my head
In my dreams you are present
Peace Man!
Yes the hurt is much
Mother beat me when i stole , and slapped when i lied
Oh my grown up life says it's easier to lie
Cut out my heart and feed it to the dogs
Take it to the very altar , to the headless heartless
All i can do is writ , lest i cheat
Everything isn't the way i want ,
Show me oh unsavory guide , how i will go back when everything
Everything was easier ,
Indeed i am a fool
But we are all fools in love , and better to be a fool than a tool
The hammer has fallen , no quiet despair
But adrenaline and a heart headache
What have i become ? At best , at worst , at light , at night?
Everything whittles me away
Friends so grim , disapproving
I open my eyes and all i see is gray ,
So i try to read Dorian Gray and laugh at my youthful foolishness.

Organ Donor.

Why ?
Why , must we sell ourselves short?
And why?
Why , must you inflict me with your philosophies?
You do not know what i feel ,
And how i feel is that i don't waste my life
Chasing guy after guy , date after date
But to you i am wasting my life
I find that i do not have tolerance for lust
I thought i did , but it is too short lived
What about honest to God people ,
And at mention of this , you laugh
You laugh , say im naive
That i should explore all possibilities out there
That i - A living healthy individual
Must cut out my heart , and give it up for sale
Any patient who walks on by can have a try
But without a heart , how would i go on living?
I would become half-dead
Half- sent
I would become so lifeless , i would forget
Good from evil
Black from white
Where does the line end?
I could try to live your way , or just be me
Thank you for your brochures , articles and speeches
But this heart isn't for sale
Not now.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Goodbye and live well.

The place i'm at - I had only read or heard about
Restless , apparently women get emotional
I can't sleep like i used to
I'm haunted ?

How did it all begin?
Every word , every sense of piety and reason
Thrown out the window
Whispers:stay away?

Gravity , pulled me in , curiosity through me
I wanted to fly
I didn't
I crashed !

I'm crashing , im burning love , i'm dying
The lows make me want to die
And the highs just ain't high
I can't breathe !

It's done , just like that
How perfect , no fat lady , no jasper in stripes
Just this ,
It's done!

I knew this would happen
The glitter of the cliche , i knew better
We breathe lies , bury denial inside
What was i missing ?

I know ill get over this,
it's my fault you see , i drove myself there
I have to leave as quickly as possible
I'm not wanted here . . .

Reality , never again will i disown for girlish illusion
Stay away , in deed
And live well .

the little she-pot

I am a little she pot
Short and stout
And i have a little pout
Here is my spout
And when i get all steamed up
I shout
Just tip me over try me out.


Nitrous Oxide
Also known as laughing gas
Thank you for the info Dr.Lovesour
So this is what you recommend for my condition
I have been ill for weeks now
Your diagnosis: Infatuation
A mystery this disease of love ,
Even doctors and scientists have not found a cure
I think it was a temporary short circuit to my brain
No , i didn't go to medical school
So you think hormones might have been a crucial factor
Well for him it was ,
I agree , no point in talking about him
Except i would say . . . (blah , blah )
Allright , ill relax
But why does it hurt , i thought i was stronger
Didn't i get my immunization shot at seven
No guarantees , Doctors!
So the No2 will help with the pain , you say
Right ... Right
(Inhale )
I'm beginning to feel lightheaded
It's all a sick joke , isn't it
Why do you have three heads?
ME? NO!!!!
Just because on my part im hurt
While he's lying on his back with a tart
Ill take my treatment , and bitterness is bad for the liver
I'm sleepy , can i lie here for awhile
Maybe when i wake up it won't hurt so much.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Merry-go round Boys.

When i was little i always loved going on rides
I loved the pony rides , the alien space ships
When i got a little older and more balance
My mother let me try the merry go round
Round and round and round i went
And i squealed for joy , and got tears of excitement
Again i'd say
Mummy please , again!
Round and round and round again
Do we have to go so , so soon?
I'd go home and think about the day i just had
Oh what lovely merry go rounds
When can we go again?
What shall i wear?
Maybe that blue dress with the ribbons
Will you bring me ribbons , for the fair?
Ill be good , so that i go again
Tell my friends at school about the exciting rides
It's magical
It makes you fly ,
It raises you from the ground and spins you round and round

Ten years later , i feel like i am still going on merry go rounds
The excitement , the thrill of the ride
Boy after boy and it feels like a round and round affair
Now i get headaches , i throw up after rides
It's worse now , the games are really exhausting
I can't keep up
It was fun at first , it was thrilling
But i desperately want to stand still now
I don't want merry-go round boys anymore

I want a boy outside the playground
No more Georgie - Pogies' who make girls cry
No more silly games
I want to stand still.
Will you stand still with me grown up boy?

In my place.

Insomnia , i can't sleep
Anorexia , i can't eat
So now i'm an insomniac and i have a food disorder
I loved food
I loved sleep
Now i can't get much of either
Nothing is the same anymore
What i thought was silly phrases , i mocked and mocked
I laughed them off , i swore i'd never be
I'm losing my sleep
Time is moving so slow
I can hear the echoes in this place
Tomorrow will bring hope , yes i know
But moving on is so much harder
But i have to
It's not right for me to want you or need you or feel you
It's not , i have to check myself
I have such unhealthy habits and an apparent conscience
They don't go to well together.
I tell myself , it's over , move on
Then why can't i be the same ?
Why do i toss and turn?
Why do i eat dry toast?
You changed everything , all that i am
I really haven't a clue what love is... and i can never admit it
I wonder if i shall forget you
Maybe you found me worth forgetting , afterall we are many
But it is only me i know : and i know that there is something
Something even i cant put into words , you had to be there
But i need to be put in my place .
I have to walk the plank
Meet the angry bull
I have to meet the hangman
I have to face the dagger
Then why does it feel like i already have
Except im not dying yet , im dead or alive
Im screwed.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

They get inside our heads ...don't let them .

Can't live with them , can't live without them
They have something we need ,
Something that saves the world , or makes it worse
But because girls were always taught to be agreeable
So , we crave approval and get a little needy in the process
There are exceptions , of course
Some of us work to get equal rights ,
Feminists who are also feminine,
The man-boys
I can see them now ,
With their friends
Wasted every weekend , different girls , different names

They want to get inside our heads,
They want to get inside our hearts,
They want to get inside our beds,
They want to get inside our clothes
They want to get inside our legs,
They are quick to get in and get out
But don't worry ladies
If , you are actually a lady
You'll know what to do.

The Rich people waited till the poor people drowned .

Who's going to sew that suit you are wearing?
Who's going to wash those buckloads of laundry you keep?
I saw her last week ...
Bright and early she came
She came to wash your clothes
Three children she has ...
Bread is a luxury for her
I saw her , i did
Washing all our laundry , it was cold out
I saw her get up , when you called her from your bed
A cup of tea , well certainly Madam
She served it , thinking of the clothes waiting outside
The big house , the big rooms , the ironing
She brought the tea , while you criticized
I saw her feel humiliated ,
I saw her silent
And i watched her go back outside
I went on down and offered a cup of tea
She said thankyou , while she held her aching back
I went on up , and put my books in my bag
She walks in with a rug , bends over to get to the corners
She has a cold , and a blocked nose
She thinks of her three children
She thinks of her illiteracy
She thinks of her husband who drinks like a fish
I move for her , and before i leave my heart aches for her
She looks at me smiling ,
She says , don't mess up
Don't be like me ,
And i wonder is she so bad ,
She fights for her children , she works to give them food
I close the door . . .
As i leave outside i see the jeans , red dress and yellow shirts
And as i leave i hear her calling from her bed , in that tone
That tone ...

When i came from school , you criticized some more
She did not finish ironing
You made her go home late ...
How much are her wages ?
Three hundred shillings , i see
How much is your perfume?
How much is your foundation?

The pied piper came and whistled a tune
To take their troubles away,
They all went out to the deep blue sea
Now i see that money , is truly evil
Because you all waited till the poor people drowned.

The Dialogue of Scorn against scorn . . Anon.


These bonds . . .
These chains . . .
....what do you cramp?
.... what do you bind?
....this soul!
.... my heart!
....If faith ....
....If love ....
....has bound you ....
....has forged you....
-Then hate...
-Then scorn ...
....will break you ....
....will cast you off ....
The victim's delivered ....
The slave is free ....
Reason ....
Duty ....
....saved her
....freed him
What do you say?
What are you muttering?
I say i hate you !
I say i detest you!
....toss off these bonds!
.... destroy these chains!
Freed from slavery!
Cleared of barriers!
The knot's undone !
The bond is broken!

The Crowd & Me.

Whenever i come on stage , i feel as if you are laughing at me
As if you are watching me very closely , watching for even a twitch
I look at you , looking at me
Your friends join me , all eyes on me
As is to say she's so this and that and trouble
What are you whispering , it cannot be good
The rest of the crowd grows anxious , wondering:
Why i do not begin?
I ignore your gaze , though i feel yours on me
The audience starts to mutter and whisper
They haunt me ,it's all about me
They are mocking me ,
They are mocking me ,
I stand there getting more and more paranoid
You smirk and turn to your friends
I look for my voice , i cannot speak
I cannot breathe
Help ,
They are laughing at me ,
They are laughing at me ,
Paranoia kicks in . . .
Bile swells up , i fight back tears
Their mass strength overpowers me
I can see it in their eyes
My heart is beating louder than their protests
They want to swallow me alive ,
They , his clan , his friends , his posse
Point of no return , all i do is stand my ground
His face , smirk , his eyes saying : you're forgettable , you're just the same
My head says to me : Breathe and let go
One last glance ,
The centre stage is calling me , i have to focus
I clench my wrists , i clear my dry throat
Silence , can you hear it
Silence . . .
The stage uplifted gives me strength to overpower the masses
The critics , the liars , the gossipers - yes , all of them
I demand that my presence be noticed.
I demand to shine , this is my moment.
I have worked so hard at this performance.
And dammit im gonna shine.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hymen- nate

Please use the hyphen - to indicate a break in the thought or structure of a sentence:

'I do not know whether to trust him , he is a man after
all - whatever.'

It is employed to denote sudden change in the construction or sentiment:

'Tonight you are the girl who is dressed revealingly - i bet to them your name is Cheap.'

When a word or expression is repeated for oratorical effect, hyphens are used to introduce the repetition:

'Girls they smell so nice - Girls they are so soft - Girls ill treat them like play things.'

Used to indicate a conclusion without expressing it:

' I thought he was he was cool but now i think he's a - , '

Used to indicate what is not expected or what is not the natural outcome of what has gone before:

'He divulged himself to relentless lies , manipulation , the art of perfect seduction , endlessly following his prey until the battle was won and found instead of the hidden treasure— the hymen.'

It is used to denote the omission of letters or figures:


When an ellipsis of the words,:

'He was toying around with - Anne , Mary , Alexia and Tom.'

Used to denote the omission of part of a word when it is undesirable to write the full word:

'He is somewhat of a A--HOLE, B--STARD , WANKER , P-ERVERT. (ASSHOLE , BASTARD , WANKER AND PERVERT). This is especially the case in profane words.:)

Between a citation and the authority for it there is generally a dash:

'I am a brutal honest.'- The Pervert.

When questions and answers are put in the same paragraph they should be separated by hyphens:

'Are you a good boy?'—Do you love to cheat?'
'I do.'
'Are you also retarded?- Do you have mental issues?'
'I do.'

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sarah says 'are you ok?' I say 'yeah!' Sarah says , 'you're lying!'

Its funny how there's always this one person who can read you like a book
You have best friends - Sure
And even they don't know when you're really hurt
Ive known Sarah for as long as i could remember
Lets see ... since the beginning of time
She's my cousin after all
She was there when i first learnt how to ride a bicycle
She was there when i used to play with dollies
How can we forget the barbie set she had in 1999
I was so jealous .. i stole the box!
She was there for nursery school , primary , high and uni
She's doing medicine
And im doing journalism
Pain on pain on pain on pain on more pain
She was there
I was there
And when everybody says ,
She doesn't guess ...
She knows better
And i can only say this of her ..
We're more than sisters because we're friends
Because we have almost the same insecurities
We're both 21
We both see different
Sarah , im so lucky i have you in my life
and i know you feel the same about me
But no more matching purses with Minnie Mouse
Or the yellow matching dresses
and the orange flats.
We'll start living , and we'll be what we dreamed to be
Look at us at 21 , with the two things worth having
Beauty , youth and a dash of brains
I love you Sarah.

love Noni.

Monday, May 3, 2010

voting is it your right or responsibility

The elections are coming closer in Kenya
I for instance , i called my self a skeptic
At 21 years of age apparently im a skeptic
So no , im not gonna vote
At least that's what i thought
Because voting is something that affects your whole life
It will affect me when im 33 , 44 , 55 , 6....
It will affect the society im living in
Affect how we perceive our governments
For once we want to see formulation that is IMMEDIATELY followed by implementation
Affect the lives of millions of people#
How could i ever say that i was skeptical of our government system
Our lack of transparency , democracy and corruption
But i am the change i want to see
Society has me as a member and i want to make it better
Voting is an integral part of change
Even if you don't vote you do , because your inaction
Whoever is in power does not get to know your opinion
So to all you citizens out there

Sunday, May 2, 2010

An ode to Hugh Grant.

One such a girl cannot help to notice your smile
You are saucy and naughty and i like it
Is it the age gap (oh, yes)
Because you see ive tried my hand at boys my age
It's disaster , amateurs in an otherwise information laden world
Or is it the accent? (oh, yes)
Is it the wit and the easy charm ?
And you could never be tied down ... ive been stalking you
Online of course , your country has strict policy on immigration
But let me just add that you are my perfect man
Older , experienced , witty , funny , handsome and selfish.

Hedonistic pleasure is a sure way to dig your hell grave.

Pleasure , is it absence of pain?
Man cannot be happy because it implies that there would be an absence of pain
Pleasure and pain are one of the most absent portions in our lives
What will you do?
Live frivolously and throw caution to the wind
Have many illegitimate children
Earn millions of dollars and leave it to a parrot named 'polly'
Hedonism .....
Pursue your follies oh, ye youth
Try every vice and folly
You justify your actions by punishing yourself
A hedonistic masochist
Is that what i really am?
Me thinks it is a case of lost identity
First step is realizing that you have a problem
I don't cut myself ....
I prefer to laugh
but im sad ,
I may be many things but i am not a hedonist
and i will be a masochist no longer.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

pleasure tinted guilt. why does it feel so good again . . . oh cos its bad.

What a wicked game to play
What a wicked cruel thing to do
To make me dream of you .
Some of us want to fall in love
if there's such a thing as love
for the time being
I said, 'Maybe , Baby , Please.'
Its so wrong
Him and her
Me and you
What a wicked game you play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To make me think of you.
But i don't want to fall in love with you.
If there's such a thing called love.
Desire will make smart people do . . .

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

good girls go bad . . .

sooner or later the dark side comes a calling
whispering ....
tempting . . .
just one bite . . .
...just one bite couldn't be so wrong
The shiny red apple gazing at you
So shiny and smooth you can taste it
You want to taste . . .
You have to taste . . .
A glorious bite and its not enough
Give me my sin again. . .

Boy , you're that guy id be stupid to trust
If i believed in love i wouldn't come near you
Give me one and ill tell you Ive seen 'em all
I heard that you were trouble
but i couldn't resist...
Just one night couldn't be so wrong .. .

Why do girls get sad
When do girls get glad
And how do they get very , very bad,
Some are sad , some are glad and some are very , very bad.
Why are they sad , glad or bad?
I do not know , go ask your dad!

You don't know me

I hate it when people imply that they know you
Its insulting is what it is
It takes a hell of A LOT to know someone
It takes years not months or days
It takes tears until you peer into the very existence
Of someone
It takes fights and finding someone in tights
It takes the good the bad and the ugly
It takes tons and tons of experience
I have best friends and even they are learning
So if a guy says it to you's like
Yuck! WTF!!!
Don't make me hate you ... i already do
Back off ...
You don't know me and believe it or not
Will never know every tiny detail of my life.

Just because im hurting does it mean im hurt? Coldplay Lost.

Just because I'm losing
Doesn't mean I'm lost
Doesn't mean I'll stop
Doesn't mean I would cross

Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get
What I deserved
No better and no worse

I just got lost
Every river that I tried to cross
Every door I ever tried was locked
Oh and I'm...
Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

You might be a big fish
In a little pond
Doesn't mean you've won
Cause along may come
A bigger one

And you'll be lost
Every river that you tried to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Oh and I'm...
Just waiting until the firing stopped
Oh and I'm...
Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

Oh and I...
Just waiting 'til the shine wears off
Oh and I..
Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

Of course she's emotional she takes such pains to deny emotion and sentiment.

Damaged people are dangerous
They can survive anything
Extreme emotional torture is like
Green eggs and ham
Which i do not like Sam - i am.
You already lost your trust and faith in anyone
But yourself ... of course.
You cannot be vulnerable , but you are
Just for being so cautious
Its also a paradox that describes women
You are so used to the pain
You are nothing without it
A vital component is missing ...
Give me my pain again and again
So you slowly become a masochist
You cut yourself
You punish yourself
You want it bad - the pain
After all its all you know
Everything else is unfamiliar and strange
You know nothing of happiness , reformation and joy
How could you when you are afraid
So you prefer what you know than what you don't
Masochist . . .
All the beauty in the world couldn't save you
All the money that you have can't pay you
Nothing works but pain . .
When i think about it i always want to cry
But when i do i punish myself for it
The cliche says someone will fix you
But i say .. really?
Sentimentality is poison.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Poker .

Let there be no mistakes
Quick and calculating like a hawk on its prey
But one is only the hunted and the other is a hawk ..
Spades , clubs , diamonds or HEARTS gentlemen.
The winner takes all.
Raise the stakes shall we then ?
Gambling is an addictive habit
If you put all you lose all

Monday, April 26, 2010

Stay away from me . by the Honorary Title.

"Stay Away"

Are you not the slightest bit confused?
Just the truth
The speed at which we move blends so well
It's too soon

Separate yourself from what compels you to relinquish us
Push your way on to me, entirely
Stay away from me, stay away from me now
Less you gonna see, less you gonna see me out

No, I can't dance less it's slow or sad
To a song that's far less obvious
You using me, do it slowly
Make it last until I have to go

Trust me when I say just a few more weeks
Don't move
Resist temptation
Or do you see fit, just choose

Separate yourself from what compels you to relinquish us
Push your way on to me, entirely
Stay away from me, stay away from me now
Less you gonna see, less you gonna see me out

No, I can't dance less it's slow or sad
To a song that's far less obvious
You using me, do it slowly
Make it last until I have to go

No, I can't dance less it's slow or sad
To a song that's far less obvious
You using me, do it slowly
Make it last until I have to go

No, I can't dance less it's slow or sad
To a song that's far less obvious
You using me, do it slowly
Make it last until I have to go

Stay away from, stay away from, stay away from me

Stay away from, stay away from, stay away from me

Stay away from, stay away from, stay away from me

Test the waters and leave them on the empty shore ...

Don't cry because its over . Smile because it happened.
No perphap-es , No maybe - es , No lies , No goodbyes
I want my independence , i want my world just as it was before you
When i give into you , don't think that you're the sun
And that the whole world revolves around you ... the center of attention
IT's not always true ..
you are the person i know .. but tomorrow you'll be the one i knew
Now that its done .. that's it
For now , forever , for never
No goodbye-es , No sorry , No nothing
I wanted to test the waters and leave them on the empty shores...
Sometimes its best not to think or ask questions
Because you would be foolish not to see the subtle simple answer
And the truth is , is that there is nothing to say . .

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can you love in the day time ... i ask? Before my period starts again so i can still get back before i get pissy and you get 'hurt' .

Two very non conventional people , we are
Your not an average Joe , and i sure ain't Plain Jane
But that's what makes it so tragic and wonderful
We are such an oxymoron ....
I should be with someone who understands me
I'm very simple yet very complicated
Very damaged yet very together
Innocent yet violated
An oxymoron
You ... i don't even know what you are
I don't know you and never will
Isn't that how things are done now
Its not your fault im not looking for someone to blame
It's not christian
Plus i called you first , that alone is seen as a desperate attempt
Don't text first , don't reply after 10 minutes ,
But i thought you were different.
Suckers Marxism.
Lets talk about 'friends and benefits'
Explain how its good for both parties , because
You both can't be tied down ,
You both have other things to do
Or you can both be in relationships,
No one can admit that its crap,
For the guy its sex minus the effort
He's a man right ...
Such a subtle statement used to dominate uterus carriers everywhere
And she doesn't admit its crap , because
I don't know on paper it seems pretty silly
Question , don't the girls see the PROS & the CONS
Answer , they do but we are raised different , treated different
Who's supposed to be in the kitchen
Who's supposed to be passive and agreeable
What's it like to be so free from social pressure?
Yes we do see the CONS and but isn't it expected,
That we are inferior and should demand nothing in return
We're just women right ...
Such a complex statement with so much power.
Who is a woman?
What does she do?
Why does she act like that?
If your reserved ... you have a problem
If your open minded .. you are aggressive
If your slutty .... you are cheap
If your big breasted .. you want smaller breasts that defy gravity
If your small breasted want bigger breasts that defy vision
There's nothing like the perfect breasts , so deal with it
If your dark , try to be lighter
If your lighter , try to be lighter some more
What happened to us ? ?
What happened to MEN & women?
When did we start fighting
When did all this enmity begin...
When did the roles get mixed up ,
When did Playboy decide to torture us with the perfect body type
When did dolls like Barbie teach little girls that they had to have big boobs and a thin body,
When did the standards of beauty get so high?
Can we get back to being allies , comrades and buddies?
Can we help each other out , or can we constantly compete
And they say they love women , i hear that a lot
Isn't it any wonder I'm not capable of loving
They say they love you ...
So if he cheats ... he still loves you
In this day and age when women have equal rights
Political , Economical and Social
Its not true they expect us to comply to their demands
Now be slutty or hard to get or i don't know ...whatever
The playing field isn't evened out
Play dirty . . .
A ride on the disco-stick
They love women... DID YOU HEAR THAT MEN LOVE WOMEN ..
Uber Ego , they have it we massage it
I am no exception
I'm dizzy
Please stop misusing the word LOVE
You use it so casually , blasphemy
But if they can't even respect God , do you really think they care about respecting women
They answer to no one , great and mighty titans
Why do they love women?
They smell nice , they are so soft , pretty
It's like admiring a good smelling skunk and caging it
So romantic . .
Based on this seemingly hollow reasoning alone it seems that
If we weren't soft or smelled nice or whatever
We'd be given more respect and loved
Love between a Man and a Woman
I'm glad no man's ever told me they love me , except my nephew and Shakespeare
And i believe them both:
Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds ...
They don't know what it means , what it feels or what it needS,
Why so jaded , little girl?
May be i know first hand what happens when you get attached to a man
My worst fear is turning into my mother ,paralyzed by the past
And you echoed this to me , my worst fear
My largest insecurity , because im a woman ill get attached
You don't know me , and you will never know every tiny / large detail of my life
I fell in love with the boy next door, yes i loved him
I could have done anything , said anything for him ,
And he never noticed me ... it must be the sweet charm ...

And you... Not so Average Joe
I liked you ...
Back to pros and cons
So here i am saying that i am a emotional cripple
Will you lend me a hand?
Friends with benefits , life's too short right?
So what do you want from me , a physical thing right
Agreed , why not? Everyone is pressuring me to do it
Everyone chanting 21 , 21 .
Telling me I'm weird ,Dating is fun?
Ill be agreeable it's expected right
I don't deserved to be appreciated ,i deserve a physical thing,
Ditto , this is fun ...
Lets have sex , and later you can have some more with
Maureen , Alice , Doreen (random names of course)
They aren't good for anybody or they're jinxed right?
Maureen , Alice , Doreen are people too ..
But im just like them too , desperate for attention
So give in to peer pressure and expectation
Let me make a mistake , i live too safe
Every one chanting 21 , 21 , 21
Enjoy the show ...
The emotional cripple and the Center-of-Attention Man-boy
Back to sociology:
Are intelligent women happier in marriage than non intelligent women?
If yes , why?
Assuming that the intelligent women are attractive , smell nice and , soft all that jazz
Are they happier?
Yes , and i strongly believe that , like i believe in myself
Intelligent women will Pro and Con and not settle for less
They end up marrying men with high social approval aka high self -esteem
These men are usually attractive?
Answer : YES.They are attractive.
Because pleasantly looking people are treated better in society
They meet the standard , like
Hi! There you actually followed the rules here's a star
The unattractive lot is treated with hostility and they get the corner
So they accept strong confident women and are not intimidated
Again assuming that they are soft , smell nice
Here's the punchline: Attractive men are jerks TOO
Where was i?
The emotional cripple and the Man-boy
Based on the conclusions above , assume that Man-boy is attractive
He does too, but he's really not all that
Sure he's tall , broad shouldered
Get this : i know 5 GUYS hotter than man boy and oblivious OK 4
No#1 So fine , perfect height , perfect weight , perfect hair#(he really is perfect)
Problem: Devoid of personality.
Reason for spite: First break up speech ..your a nice girl (burgh)
No #2:Perfect picture of modern masculinity , Strong , sexy eyes ,can fix things
Problem: Likes to hit my cousin.
Reason for spite : No reason , he's actually not supposed to be here , he's my cousins husband but im trying to explain a point.
No#3: Dark , hot ,tall, nice smile, nice weight , height overall hottie
Problem: He likes me.
Reason for spite: None , when a guy likes me i run.I don't discriminate i run for the hills.
No#4:Dark , not so tall (flaw), looks like he takes showers he smells so nice (hey it applies)Intelligent (plus plus, plus)
Problem: Likes my friend instead.
Reason for spite: None, he's a hawtie.
OK back to Man boy , who thinks he's the new Johnny Depp
Im going to be mean , its fun
In the next ten years Man-boy is going to be fat unless he works out
-Not likely and he's going to get round - not pleasant at all
He's got beady eyes , and give him 10 years he'll be fat and
Wondering how beauty faded so quickly , all the Mac Hotties in my list will age really well esp #3 (prospects) #4 , #2 and #1 (he'll also be fat)
This is my unbiased opinion by the way ...
Me & Man boy , physical thing , peers blah blah blah
Me I'm still a maid so what???
I use maiden - head cause Ive read a lot of Victorian books
So there i am , trying to fit in , trying to conform
The whole ritual , Make -up , perfume and dress( i don't do this often)
I even have dreams where am a woman with a big penis
Obviously that's when i decided to tone the feminist down and be feminine
Try hard to fit in , maybe that's the problem don't try hard with people
People are bad , don't please them displease them
So i get dressed up , I'm even carrying a clutch bag !!!
Even with all that ,I cant compete with the femme fa tale fashionistas there
With all the bare skin and what not,
I'm not putting myself on a pedestal (maybe a little)
I'm not saying i won't wear the occasional mini skirt or short dress
I guess i kinda like myself and do stuff for me ,
Rape rings in my head , and how id like to avoid it
Apparently when your scantily dressed you ask for it .
High heels make me feel as if my ankles are bleeding
So what if i look sweet in a dress , or I'm nice or blah blah
But girls like me don't come along very often
22 Inch waist , long legs , cold hands and a warm heart
All along i thought was the use of having all that when no one cares ?
Subtext : be a experienced virgin
I would NEVER get attached to you , and that's the complete and utter truth
You're really vain ,
You said you liked the truth , i hope i enlightened you with a little of mine
Do you know my worst fear? Getting attached
It's my worst fear , and you echoed it to me
I just wanted to do something crazy and move on
But you know me , i'm the sweet girl unlike your type
Bitches you called them if i remember correctly ...
But there's honor amongst thieves you said no
May be your not full of shit but its not my problem.
Man -boy for old times sake:
I have no claim on you Man- boy .
Don't wear your freedom down .
No regrets , no strings.
I'm not bitter (can't you tell)
One last thought:
Can you love in the daytime
Can you express your desires freely in the harsh light of day
As you express your desires freely in the night.