Subtle Confessions of Noni Kanyora

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Women we are easily deceived

When i look at a man - i fear
I also have a mild irritation and respect
For i know first hand what they are capable
Wild animals , running and attacking at things
Dudus , flying from flower to flower
Do they know the side effects of sex:
Leaving you with child
Leaving you hollow with lieS
Go near them - shall i dare?
Oh with my apparent sweet nature and blah blah blah
Tis like walking into a trap open - eyed
How can they be trusted with any valued thing?
I am much a feared , much filled with doubt
I think them witty thieves
Warming their way to your good graces
Whilst stealing your preservation and good doubt and sense
Leaving you hollow


  1. "i think them witty thieves"-i see ur paying ur dues there eh?...but all the same...When u villify sex lyk that(i will agree lyk 87% of dudes want dat) u make urself more vulnerable to the "ruff niggers" out there..they play the "long con" until they clean u out..they won't bother wit a chick at the rave but play games wit women other dudes wouldn't bother with the tym of their lives..women tell lies..infact are better at them becoz they are more emotionally mature than men...If everything in lyf went according to plan then it would not be worth this life we dance with the devil in many things we are just another form of his cunning and guile...

  2. how come i haven't discovered my lying gift yet
