Subtle Confessions of Noni Kanyora

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

They get inside our heads ...don't let them .

Can't live with them , can't live without them
They have something we need ,
Something that saves the world , or makes it worse
But because girls were always taught to be agreeable
So , we crave approval and get a little needy in the process
There are exceptions , of course
Some of us work to get equal rights ,
Feminists who are also feminine,
The man-boys
I can see them now ,
With their friends
Wasted every weekend , different girls , different names

They want to get inside our heads,
They want to get inside our hearts,
They want to get inside our beds,
They want to get inside our clothes
They want to get inside our legs,
They are quick to get in and get out
But don't worry ladies
If , you are actually a lady
You'll know what to do.

The Rich people waited till the poor people drowned .

Who's going to sew that suit you are wearing?
Who's going to wash those buckloads of laundry you keep?
I saw her last week ...
Bright and early she came
She came to wash your clothes
Three children she has ...
Bread is a luxury for her
I saw her , i did
Washing all our laundry , it was cold out
I saw her get up , when you called her from your bed
A cup of tea , well certainly Madam
She served it , thinking of the clothes waiting outside
The big house , the big rooms , the ironing
She brought the tea , while you criticized
I saw her feel humiliated ,
I saw her silent
And i watched her go back outside
I went on down and offered a cup of tea
She said thankyou , while she held her aching back
I went on up , and put my books in my bag
She walks in with a rug , bends over to get to the corners
She has a cold , and a blocked nose
She thinks of her three children
She thinks of her illiteracy
She thinks of her husband who drinks like a fish
I move for her , and before i leave my heart aches for her
She looks at me smiling ,
She says , don't mess up
Don't be like me ,
And i wonder is she so bad ,
She fights for her children , she works to give them food
I close the door . . .
As i leave outside i see the jeans , red dress and yellow shirts
And as i leave i hear her calling from her bed , in that tone
That tone ...

When i came from school , you criticized some more
She did not finish ironing
You made her go home late ...
How much are her wages ?
Three hundred shillings , i see
How much is your perfume?
How much is your foundation?

The pied piper came and whistled a tune
To take their troubles away,
They all went out to the deep blue sea
Now i see that money , is truly evil
Because you all waited till the poor people drowned.

The Dialogue of Scorn against scorn . . Anon.


These bonds . . .
These chains . . .
....what do you cramp?
.... what do you bind?
....this soul!
.... my heart!
....If faith ....
....If love ....
....has bound you ....
....has forged you....
-Then hate...
-Then scorn ...
....will break you ....
....will cast you off ....
The victim's delivered ....
The slave is free ....
Reason ....
Duty ....
....saved her
....freed him
What do you say?
What are you muttering?
I say i hate you !
I say i detest you!
....toss off these bonds!
.... destroy these chains!
Freed from slavery!
Cleared of barriers!
The knot's undone !
The bond is broken!

The Crowd & Me.

Whenever i come on stage , i feel as if you are laughing at me
As if you are watching me very closely , watching for even a twitch
I look at you , looking at me
Your friends join me , all eyes on me
As is to say she's so this and that and trouble
What are you whispering , it cannot be good
The rest of the crowd grows anxious , wondering:
Why i do not begin?
I ignore your gaze , though i feel yours on me
The audience starts to mutter and whisper
They haunt me ,it's all about me
They are mocking me ,
They are mocking me ,
I stand there getting more and more paranoid
You smirk and turn to your friends
I look for my voice , i cannot speak
I cannot breathe
Help ,
They are laughing at me ,
They are laughing at me ,
Paranoia kicks in . . .
Bile swells up , i fight back tears
Their mass strength overpowers me
I can see it in their eyes
My heart is beating louder than their protests
They want to swallow me alive ,
They , his clan , his friends , his posse
Point of no return , all i do is stand my ground
His face , smirk , his eyes saying : you're forgettable , you're just the same
My head says to me : Breathe and let go
One last glance ,
The centre stage is calling me , i have to focus
I clench my wrists , i clear my dry throat
Silence , can you hear it
Silence . . .
The stage uplifted gives me strength to overpower the masses
The critics , the liars , the gossipers - yes , all of them
I demand that my presence be noticed.
I demand to shine , this is my moment.
I have worked so hard at this performance.
And dammit im gonna shine.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hymen- nate

Please use the hyphen - to indicate a break in the thought or structure of a sentence:

'I do not know whether to trust him , he is a man after
all - whatever.'

It is employed to denote sudden change in the construction or sentiment:

'Tonight you are the girl who is dressed revealingly - i bet to them your name is Cheap.'

When a word or expression is repeated for oratorical effect, hyphens are used to introduce the repetition:

'Girls they smell so nice - Girls they are so soft - Girls ill treat them like play things.'

Used to indicate a conclusion without expressing it:

' I thought he was he was cool but now i think he's a - , '

Used to indicate what is not expected or what is not the natural outcome of what has gone before:

'He divulged himself to relentless lies , manipulation , the art of perfect seduction , endlessly following his prey until the battle was won and found instead of the hidden treasure— the hymen.'

It is used to denote the omission of letters or figures:


When an ellipsis of the words,:

'He was toying around with - Anne , Mary , Alexia and Tom.'

Used to denote the omission of part of a word when it is undesirable to write the full word:

'He is somewhat of a A--HOLE, B--STARD , WANKER , P-ERVERT. (ASSHOLE , BASTARD , WANKER AND PERVERT). This is especially the case in profane words.:)

Between a citation and the authority for it there is generally a dash:

'I am a brutal honest.'- The Pervert.

When questions and answers are put in the same paragraph they should be separated by hyphens:

'Are you a good boy?'—Do you love to cheat?'
'I do.'
'Are you also retarded?- Do you have mental issues?'
'I do.'

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sarah says 'are you ok?' I say 'yeah!' Sarah says , 'you're lying!'

Its funny how there's always this one person who can read you like a book
You have best friends - Sure
And even they don't know when you're really hurt
Ive known Sarah for as long as i could remember
Lets see ... since the beginning of time
She's my cousin after all
She was there when i first learnt how to ride a bicycle
She was there when i used to play with dollies
How can we forget the barbie set she had in 1999
I was so jealous .. i stole the box!
She was there for nursery school , primary , high and uni
She's doing medicine
And im doing journalism
Pain on pain on pain on pain on more pain
She was there
I was there
And when everybody says ,
She doesn't guess ...
She knows better
And i can only say this of her ..
We're more than sisters because we're friends
Because we have almost the same insecurities
We're both 21
We both see different
Sarah , im so lucky i have you in my life
and i know you feel the same about me
But no more matching purses with Minnie Mouse
Or the yellow matching dresses
and the orange flats.
We'll start living , and we'll be what we dreamed to be
Look at us at 21 , with the two things worth having
Beauty , youth and a dash of brains
I love you Sarah.

love Noni.

Monday, May 3, 2010

voting is it your right or responsibility

The elections are coming closer in Kenya
I for instance , i called my self a skeptic
At 21 years of age apparently im a skeptic
So no , im not gonna vote
At least that's what i thought
Because voting is something that affects your whole life
It will affect me when im 33 , 44 , 55 , 6....
It will affect the society im living in
Affect how we perceive our governments
For once we want to see formulation that is IMMEDIATELY followed by implementation
Affect the lives of millions of people#
How could i ever say that i was skeptical of our government system
Our lack of transparency , democracy and corruption
But i am the change i want to see
Society has me as a member and i want to make it better
Voting is an integral part of change
Even if you don't vote you do , because your inaction
Whoever is in power does not get to know your opinion
So to all you citizens out there

Sunday, May 2, 2010

An ode to Hugh Grant.

One such a girl cannot help to notice your smile
You are saucy and naughty and i like it
Is it the age gap (oh, yes)
Because you see ive tried my hand at boys my age
It's disaster , amateurs in an otherwise information laden world
Or is it the accent? (oh, yes)
Is it the wit and the easy charm ?
And you could never be tied down ... ive been stalking you
Online of course , your country has strict policy on immigration
But let me just add that you are my perfect man
Older , experienced , witty , funny , handsome and selfish.

Hedonistic pleasure is a sure way to dig your hell grave.

Pleasure , is it absence of pain?
Man cannot be happy because it implies that there would be an absence of pain
Pleasure and pain are one of the most absent portions in our lives
What will you do?
Live frivolously and throw caution to the wind
Have many illegitimate children
Earn millions of dollars and leave it to a parrot named 'polly'
Hedonism .....
Pursue your follies oh, ye youth
Try every vice and folly
You justify your actions by punishing yourself
A hedonistic masochist
Is that what i really am?
Me thinks it is a case of lost identity
First step is realizing that you have a problem
I don't cut myself ....
I prefer to laugh
but im sad ,
I may be many things but i am not a hedonist
and i will be a masochist no longer.