Subtle Confessions of Noni Kanyora

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Youthful Idealism.

Ernest Hemingway wrote:
If you are lost-
It is only because you chose
Illusion over reality.

And because of this subtle statement
I decided to be a level-headed , rational individual
Of course the thing about theories is that they must be tested out
Along came a boy
At 21 everyone drinks cause drinking is fun and everybody does it
At 21 you become a sucker for conformity
And anyone should not wanna miss out on all the fun
I know i wouldn't
So my fervor mixed with my youthful idealism coupled with curiosity
Lead me there , and i would later be lost
And as Hemingway would have it , i chose illusion
Im not really sorry for the experiences Ive had
Some painful , some happy some in-between
But i thought real-life was fiction and that fiction was real life
Because my real-life involves friendships that are true and protecting
I found out that it was revealing and gossipy
I thought boys who actually used the word love to refer to a girl guaranteed faithfulness-
I found out it meant he could have sex with whoever he wanted with no discrimination
The assumption is again that i am a rational human being
So , for pity's sake treat me like one
Self-justification is the more dignified way of saying self-deception
Which brings me back to illusion
I think i rather liked being a child
The connections you made then are genuine
Adults are just absolute children with no manners with no mummie to cane them
I may be alone , that's fine
But to be alone with realism is far more rewarding than to be
Surrounded with fallacy.

1 comment:

  1. for me the most important question is how did u know u were lost???....maybe becoz u knew where u wanted to go....??.....what about those who don't know whre they want to be....
